July 30, 2020

Want to Write a Harder Hitting Lead? Here’s What You Should Do!

Recently, I read a turmeric VSL (video sales letter) lead that was off to a great start. The approach the writer took was to highlight the difference between what made a turmeric supplement junk and what made one good. This was a great approach and direction, but if you were looking to make your lead a little harder-hitting, here’s a tried and true method:

Amplify Your Customer’s Curiosity Factor

The goal here is piquing your customer’s curiosity and snowballing it into fever pitch — giving the viewer no choice but to continue watching your VSL or reading your sales letter in order to satisfy that curiosity. But what methods can copywriters use in order amplify and build curiosity in our viewers and customers?

Digging Deeper and Getting Specific

A little specificity goes a long way. Dig deeper and get specific about major points and fascinations. The goal here is to give your audience more meat to chew on. To illustrate my point, here’s a segment from the original turmeric VSL lead:

“But the fact is, most turmeric supplements aren’t as effective as they should be and there are hundreds of turmeric supplements to choose from.

So how can you tell which ones work, which ones don’t, and more importantly…

What’s the best turmeric supplement for you?”

Isolating the Major Points

This is an important point because nobody wants to waste their money.

People want to buy something that will work for them. They want to buy something that gives them results they can see or feel.

The problem with the statement above is simple — it’s pretty vanilla and not compelling enough.

Make it More Compelling by Focusing on Fascination

Here’s a hypothetical example of how the statement above could be better:

“A shocking new study from Columbia University has just revealed up to 70% of turmeric supplements may be worthless garbage.

In fact, you may be better off taking that new bottle and dumping it down the toilet.

But fear not, in just a moment, we’re going to reveal 3 red flags that instantly give away when a supplement is nothing but a cheap money grab.

Most people would never think of these things but once you’re in the know, you’ll be able to look at any supplement label and within 10 seconds, know if it’s a stud or a dud.”

Why This Works

This statement gets very specific by providing statistics, mentioning credible institutions, and amplifying emotional impact. The mention of an institution like Columbia University instantly gave this statement credibility. By doing so, your customers and prospects are more inclined to continue watching because you’ve established credibility and trust.

Additionally, this statement is more compelling because of word choices that amplify emotional impact and livens up the copy.

Getting specific will help you make a more compelling argument, hooking your prospects in and piquing their interest.


This hypothetical fix could be better and less wordy, but I encourage copywriters to dive deeper with emotion and specifics into the major points and fascinations of your health supplement copy.

If you are able to dig in and get more specific, you’ll be able to write more compelling copy by piquing interest and curiosity, turning a good lead into a great one that converts on cold traffic.

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Adam Napolitano

Adam specializes in writing long-form sales copy for health supplement companies that converts ice cold prospects into customers. When he's not helping his clients grow their businesses, he's spending time with his wife Jenna, and 2 dogs, Joben and Jax.