Category Archives for "Business Branding"

Why “Blending in” is a BIG Mistake for Your Brand

One of the biggest reasons why businesses struggle to grow and bring in new clients and customers is because they pay too much attention to their competitors. You’d be surprised at how many people suffer from copycat syndrome.

Imitation is Not Flattery

Let me explain — whether a new brand is just starting out, or an established brand is going through some difficult times of struggle and stress, they tend to turn to their competition to analyze what their competitors are doing.

These business owners look at their competition, track their steps, and end up copying what they’ve done whether they mean to or not. They think their competitors have figured it all out so why not save some time and do what they’re doing?

Here’s the Issue…

From a customer’s point of view, this is one of the biggest mistakes any business owner can make. Why? Because you make it a hundred times harder for your potential customer to choose you.

If you end up imitating what your 10–15 competitors are doing, you lump yourself into the sea of similarity. Suddenly, your customer is forced to sift through all these identical businesses to decide which one is best for them.

Not only does it make it extremely difficult for your potential customer, it means you’ve lost your brand’s mission, clarity, and what ultimately makes you the best possible choice.

Head in the Opposite Direction

I’m not saying don’t scope out the competition to see what they’re doing — instead, look at what they’re doing and head in the opposite direction! You need to position your brand in a way that is completely unique and will set yourself apart from everyone else.

By doing so, you place yourself in a league of your own. You’ll make it so easy for your customers to pick you and not your competitors. You separate yourself from the herd, no longer having to worry about your competitors.

So keep an eye on your competitor, but don’t fall for the imitation trap. Instead, use that information to help you create a unique and engaging way to connect with your audience. Grab your visitors’ attention and appeal to them in a personal way, cultivating the know, like, and trust factor.

Position yourself in a way that helps you break through the noise and clutter, leaving your competitors in the dust — making it easier for your customer and clients to always choose you.

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How Batman Affects Your Business…


As a kid, I was terribly shy. Seriously, getting me to talk was like pulling teeth. I only had one friend growing up, and he was the “smelly” kid in class.

Yep, Robert (the smelly kid) and I were best friends for the longest time. Mainly because he was nice, and about the only other kid my age who made me feel comfortable.

I used to go over to his smelly house where his smelly, drunk dad would lay passed out on the couch. Robert and I would play with GI Joes, Ninja Turtles, and Ghostbusters. On occasion, we would fake wrestle WWF style (yes, it was still WWF back then), to see who could execute the better Stone Cold Stunner.

But aside from Robert, I felt painfully out of place in all other social situations.

I was extremely self-conscious and terrified of saying something that might make me sound like a loser or dork in front of my peers. So for me….the natural solution was to just not say anything.

My anxiety was so bad that I constantly felt nauseous. I could never eat, and it always felt like I had a massive lump stuck in my throat. I could only find relief by removing myself from the situation and retreating to the comfort of solitude (which I was far too familiar with).

It didn’t help that I was a total bookworm either.

At one point in 5th grade, my parents got really concerned because I was spending so much time studying. They actually set a meeting with my teacher and wanted to know why I was studying 4 to 5 hours every night (when in reality, we only had maybe 1 or 2 hours of homework on average). So while most parents were probably pulling their hair out trying to get their kids to do their homework….I constantly had my nose buried in a text book.

Now don’t worry, I’m not looking for pity here…

As I got older and progressed through junior high, high school, and college, I started coming out of my shell more and more.

Today, I can proudly say that I have friends with good hygiene who DON’T smell, and I am blessed to have married the love of my life.

But enough about me. Let’s get back to what I started this post with….WHY BATMAN?

Why does Batman have such universal appeal as a superhero?

Why has he earned intense admiration from so many people?

Because he’s relatable. It’s easy to see pieces of us in him, and pieces of him in ourselves. He’s real, he’s human, he’s visceral, and at times dark.

But perhaps most importantly of all…he’s FLAWED. Just like you and me. And openly sharing flaws or failures is an endearing quality that goes a long way in building trust and credibility. In the movies, his flaws are exposed and bare for the audience to see. Just like I struggled with social anxiety, Batman had his own fears too.

Batman Begins comes to mind, where Batman/Bruce struggles with his fear of the bat-infested well he fell down as a child at Wayne Manor. He then goes on to confront and defeat this fear as an adult, which symbolizes the birth of “Batman”.

>>> How “relatable” are you in the content and messaging you deliver to your audience? Are you openly sharing your story, flaws and all?

If this is something you struggle with, I would LOVE to help you.

Whether it’s on your website, sales letter, blog post, LinkedIn Bio, lead magnet, or email sequence, I will help you share your story and communicate with your audience in your authentic voice.

I’ll help you connect with your customers in a way that deeply resonates with them on an emotional level, quickly building trust and loyalty that lasts. And of course in a way that brings in more sales, customers, or clients.

If this is something you’re interested in, send me a private message or email me at

Briefly tell me your “story” and how I might be able to help you with your content needs. We can always schedule a Skype call if necessary to see if we’re a good fit.

To Your Success,

Adam Napolitano

P.S. I want to try something fun. In your email or PM, tell me who you think played the best Batman (movies). And yes, there is a right answer! If you get it right, you’ll get a 10% discount on any one of my copywriting/content services